Hunting Creek Refrigeration & Heating

Serving The Peace River Country

Trade Qualifications

Red Seal Refrigeration Journeyman

Red Seal Plumbing Journeyman

Alberta Class A Gas Fitter

Water Treatment & Purification

I became involved with water treatment systems mainly due to the fact that we ran into them as components of our HVAC/R systems. For instance in large buildings steam humidification systems have become common using steam generated from purified water. Also, many restaurants and grocery stores manufacture their own RO water to feed their processes like coffee, soft drinks, ice production, and vaporizers for product coolers, etc. When I was asked to do maintenance on these systems I had to learn all about them and one thing leads to another.

Now I look for opportunities to service and sell these Reverse Osmosis systems to all my commercial and residential customers.

Please check out the Services Available button for more specific information.

The Pondering of a Serviceman


Please watch this area for helpful suggestions on simple maintenance issues and explanations of terms commonly used in the trades that others may not understand. If I receive questions for specific information you may find the answers here.